The latest project I’m involved with is playing in the Steffen Brix Akoustic Trio. It’s been such a good learning experience working with the highly respected UK bassist Mark Ong and DK guitarist Steffen Brix.
We recently recorded several tracks which you can see and hear on the video area of this site. It’s looking likely that the band will be recording an album of Steffen’s compositions later this year, so that’s a really exciting prospect for me.
Furthermore, the band will be taking part in the Aarhus Jazz Festival 2024 in July for 3 nights. The band will be appearing on the following dates:
July 18
July 19
July 20
Steffen is planning on forming a separate band titled the ‘Elektric Trio’ in the near future. Although the personnel for both bands will be the same, the bands will have distinct identities reflected in their compostitions and instrumentation. The Akoustic Trio is shaped by the sound of Steffen’s nylon-string, semi-acoustic guitar and takes inspiration from guitarist John McLaughlin’s groundbreaking 90’s world music flavored albums. By contrast, the Elektric Trio will be firmly in the jazz/fusion/blues/rock tradition. It will be powered by Steffen’s electric guitar and inspired by the works of guitarists such Robben Ford, Mike Stern and John Scofield.
Finally, I include below in both Danish and English Steffen’s recent press release about the Akoustic Trio.
Danish Press Release
Den danske guitarist Steffen Brix, der er meget aktiv med nye musikudgivelser, spiller her med hans nye Akoustic Trio, der præsenterer en anden og mere akustisk sound end hans hidtil vante. Stærke og stilsikre kompositioner i den amerikanske jazz/rock tradition. Steffen betragtes af mange som én af de dygtigste jazz- og bluesguitarister vi har herhjemme i Danmark – og har et mangeårigt musikalsk venskab med den amerikanske jazzguitarist Mike Stern.
Steffen har netop i år samlet denne nye trio med fokus på den akustiske nylon guitar, der har været en stor inspiration siden jazzguitaristen John McLaughlins banebrydende albums i 90’erne, der også foregik på nylonstrengene.
Steffen Brix (g)
Mark Ong (b)
Benjamin Juul-Dimond (dr)
Mark Ong har et utroligt øre og en harmonisk forståelse for Steffens melodiske guitarunivers. Ongs ordforråd på instrumentet er levende, innovativt og på et niveau man sjældent ser på den europæiske jazzscene.
Benjamin Juul-Dimond er en ung og ekstremt talentfuld trommeslager – med en teknik, flow og musikalitet der er ganske unik. Benjamin er en stjerne bag trommerne.
En koncert med Steffen Brix Akoustic Trio er en aften med gang i den – men også en aften med plads til det helt stille og nærværende.
English Press Release
Danish guitarist Steffen Brix, who is very active with new music releases, plays here with his new Akoustic Trio, which presents a different and more acoustic sound than he is used to. Strong and stylish compositions in the American jazz/rock tradition. Steffen is considered by many to be one of the most talented jazz and blues guitarists we have in Denmark – and has a long-standing musical friendship with American jazz guitarist Mike Stern.
This year, Steffen has assembled this new trio with a focus on the acoustic nylon guitar, which has been a major inspiration since jazz guitarist John McLaughlin’s groundbreaking albums in the 90s, which also featured nylon strings.
Steffen Brix (g)
Mark Ong (b)
Benjamin Juul-Dimond (dr)
Mark Ong has an incredible ear and harmonic understanding of Steffen’s melodic guitar universe. Ong’s vocabulary on the instrument is vibrant, innovative and on a level rarely seen on the European jazz scene.
Benjamin Juul-Dimond is a young and extremely talented drummer – with a technique, flow and musicality that is quite unique. Benjamin is a star behind the drums.
A concert with Steffen Brix Akoustic Trio is an evening with a lot going on – but also an evening with room for the quiet and present.